Urban Ekklesia

House Church. Urban Church. Organic Church. Multicultural Church. Simple Church. This is a space created for both humble and passionate reflection on the missional, emerging church in urban North America.

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

A space for thinking out loud and inviting others to join the refining process. Justice, mission, politics, the city. Everything is connected. Theology is life.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ramblings of a Gringo

A few years ago I was teaching a class on urban evangelism at a conference in Texas. At the end of the presentation I opened it for questions, and one young preacher asked me for advice for reaching the Mexican-American community in his town. My response? 'Find yourself invited to quinceaƱeras... and attend. Barbaque in the park. Learn Spanish.' If we're not willing to embrace even some cultural practices of others, don't attempt Spanish ministry. Just don't do it.

Many Christian "gringos" desire to see church growth among the increasing Latino populations in their community, but we often fail to be incarnational. Jesus moved into culture and He fleshed out the Word (consider John 1; Philippians 2). We are called to the same incarnational ministry following the footsteps of Jesus. As a "gringo," the Gospel teaches me to value the cultures of others and whenever possible to flesh out the Gospel with respect to that culture. If there is not effort to move across cultural boundaries into the world of the "other" -- as Jesus did -- our efforts at urban ministry will often fall short of a Gospel witness.

My Spanish is not great. I often don't understand half of what others are saying. Often, I don't 'get' the worldview of others. On a regular basis I seek to understand the expressions and practices of Latinos, Africans, West Indians, young, old, etc -- not to mention my own multicultural marriage! However, I am often blown away by the appreciation and acceptance I receive for an honest effort. Besides, it is actually really humbling. For example, in English (my first language) I can articulate spiritual concepts effortlessly. In Spanish I feel inadequate; my reliance on the Holy Spirit increases exponentially. Through these experiences, my respect and empathy for others rises and my faith in God's power -- rather than my own -- is tested. This is a lesson that many "gringos" miss altogether.

As the face of western culture embraces pluralism and emerges as a multicultural context, one of the needs of the hour is for believers -- especially those from the dominant group but certainlly also those who have traditionally been marginalized -- to enter dialgue, to practice embrace, to learn the language of the "other." We need leaders who live think deeply of theological concerns and who will think critically of anthropological implications.

And to my 'gringo' brothers, isn't it about time we start showing some respect and learn Spanish.


Blogger soulster said...

It would be rather prophetic of the church to exceed business and education in becoming multi-national and global. While business bridges culture so it may exploit and leverage assests, and education so it may become more elite and serve the public interest, the church should do so to reveal and manifest the Kingdom of God. We should do it as a fortelling of what's to come and as a picture of the heart of God. One of the great shames of our times is that Christendom as a whole lags well behind those with less pure motivations and remains one of the least multi-cultural and global entities on the planet. For many of us it is because we lack a sufficient knowledge and faith in the Kingdom which makes us suckers for the fear mongering and isolationism of conservatives, bigots, and other false teachers.

Gee, I guess I'm going to have to get serious about learning Spanish soon. :)

8:15 AM  
Blogger William Sofield said...

Completely agree. Great reflection. Thanks.

I'm a gringo who spent 4 weeks in Costa Rica this summer working on Spanish. It's hard! But rewarding, and we gotta do it.

6:58 AM  

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