Urban Ekklesia

House Church. Urban Church. Organic Church. Multicultural Church. Simple Church. This is a space created for both humble and passionate reflection on the missional, emerging church in urban North America.

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Location: Bronx, New York, United States

A space for thinking out loud and inviting others to join the refining process. Justice, mission, politics, the city. Everything is connected. Theology is life.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Wrong Question

In our society we are very focused on outcomes. As a results-driven culture, our churches often ask, "Does it work?" about any number of new ministry initiatives. It has struck me recently that it is the wrong question -- at least to start out with -- and may lead down a dangerous road. I still care about results and want things to "work" because I care about people being transformed, our city being impacted with the Gospel, and God being glorified. I will work until my last breath for these kinds of results. However, asking "Does it work?" as the first and/or primary question focuses us towards OUR efforts and therefore OUR results. Asking "Is it faithful?" focuses on relationship with Jesus and where He desires to lead us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on! A powerful insight, Jared.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Kristi said...

Something I recently read (maybe this blog?) has helped me turn to the Fruit of the Spirit as the measure of success, rather than seeking business outcomes, such as dollars or numbers. "Are we displaying the Fruit through this ministry?" I am personally driven by the litmus test, "Does this glorify God?".

10:28 AM  

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